
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:03:55
外婆80岁生日演讲词外婆要过80岁生日了,家里喊我在外婆生日时中午吃饭的时候上台发点言,好像一般都有这个环节,我以前从来没说过,希望大家给点什么意见 外婆4月份的生日 ,家里在外面办 奶奶过生日 演讲词 英语中have to和must的区别 英文must和have to有什么区别?我知道must是主观,have to是客观. have to与must在英语中用法有什么不同 再见我的爱人用英语怎么写? 再见我的爱人用英文怎么写谢谢了, -I want to go to the movies.Is there any one in cinema?-___.Now it was really getting late.(A).Lot (B).Many (C).Nothing (D).None 请问是选(D)吗? he doesn't have money now,___,he would lend it to you.A.if someB.if anyC.if not D.if soD为什么不行. MY BROTHER BROUGHT THE BOOK THREE WEEKS AGO.同义句转换MY BROTHER THE BOOK THREE WEEKS. HE IS GOING CAMPING ()6:00()THE MORNING OF JULY 1ST “有些人明明生活在被压榨的社会底层,却偏偏有统治者的思维”这句话是谁说的?原话是什么?有知道的么? Darling,I want go to sleep ,and make加或换一个字母使其变成另一个新单词 【人民英雄永垂不朽】三段碑文分开写,为什么? 十一、人民英雄永垂不朽中碑文为什么分开写 人民英雄永垂不朽.三段碑文按时间顺序写,在修辞上采用了____和____的手法.分成三段为了_____.是"碑文"上的!不是文章! 英语翻译 英语翻译这几个是人名,我实在不知道是啥了,求泰语大神帮我看看这人名是啥,话说人名只需要翻译成英文发音就可以了,不用翻译出来中文, 求大神翻译泰语 选择 if you need money,i'll lend you _(one,选择 if you need money,i'll lend you _(one,few,a few,some) 应该选哪一个?为什么? I’ll lend you money _______ you promise to return it by the end of the this month.A.even ifB.as long asC.as far asD.unless为什么?求详解 I'll lend you the money on comdition that you ( )it within six months.A.returned B.return C.will return D.have returned为什么不选C make改一个字母,变成另外一个词 start out 和leave for的区别还有set off He will come back ( )eight o'clock( )the morning.A)in;inB)at;atC)at;onD)at;in I guess I should leave it out.是什么情况?我猜我要离它而去的意思吗?我想我猜的不对,求教正确答案. I'll leave you,it's all yours,what do you think?leave me along,get out of my life.The magic power i believe,what do you think?Amen who got good habbits can live in a health and wealth life.But only the one who can change himself would be able to chan i wanna leave it all behind,running out of the time这句歌词是哪首歌里面的,求歌名,就这些 in是介词,“in加表语言的名词”表示什么 leave it closed还是leave it close? 文言文介词宾语前置 有介词"于","以","为","与","从","自","向",能各举几个例子吗?