
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:34:01
how do people s_____ christmas 首字母填空 how do people s___christmas your country?横线填什么急 笨蛋爱你用英语怎么说 the ‘magic word’课文翻译 what should i eat?回答 _____this empty bottle away and______me a full one哪个填take 哪个填bring This bottles is empty .Please pass me a______one.(full) 泡沫 THE BUBBLE怎么样 look forward 急要:介绍房间的英语段文是以电子邮件形式写,房间的基本设施,以及约时间看房,50字,带翻译 三角形ABC,已知CE垂直AB,BD垂直AC,求证BCDE在同一圆上 ____ she sometimes ____ to school?A Does,walk B Is,walking C Is,walk how does she go to look for her 抗日战争中的汉奸有哪些 在抗日的年代的汉奸快 求教1 、There are two boys of Tom's there 中的 of+物主代词 是不是一个介词短语2、There is only one ball pen in the pencil box.中 ball是定语,the pencil box也是定语吗?我的疑问是:为什么定语不是in the pencil box? (2)的是下面句子有一处语病,在不改变句子原意基础上,将改正后的句子写下来. There are two pairs of scissors in Tom'sbag(另一种形式,意思不变) 下面句子中没有语病的一项是?(写出具体语病原因和修改意见)A 在原始文化遗址水洞沟,人们发现了略加磨制的鸵鸟蛋穿孔饰件和骨片制成的骨锥,这是磨制技术的萌芽,在人类生产发展史 英语翻译翻译 六年级语文地4课的好词好句 don't jump the queue .you're______to see the doctor.A.eighth B.the eighth C.eight D.eighties don't jump the queue ! you must wait for your ____ (有音标,类似于ten) He speaks english a little ( ) from us是填diffierent还是differently can he (speaks)(english)?yes,(a little)找括号中的错误并改错 English is difficult as Mathe改为同义句 跪求英语学霸. We are young.Let the old man______the boat first.A.to get on B.gets on C.get on D.getting on let the young man ______ her a hand. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which are visiting.这是改错题为什么是在which后面加we 而不能把visiting改成visited 不可以是被动语态吗? We may not know ( ) to use the telephone in the country we are visiting.We may not know how to buy完型填空 求英语学霸.综合填空 求英语学霸.用适当形式填空