
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:09:25
hold my hond 什么意思? Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city.怎么翻译 Hold my own _______the plane.A.Flew down B.Down flew C.Down was flying D.Down flew _______ the plane.A.Flew down B.Down flew C.Down was flying D.Down fly为什么C不行? flew,she,plane,the,world,around,the连词成句 哪里买The Grand Design哪里可以买到霍金的The Grand Design 英语翻译 who will you get ______the project for us a.design design c.designed d.designingwho will you get ______the project for us a.design b.to design c.designed d.designing 妈妈要检查课文背诵,怎么应付? 回忆我母亲的课文中.“创造了和创造着”该怎样理解? The plane__,its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.A.smashedB.crushedC.plungedD.crashed 求英语,加翻译 I herad someone play the piano in the music room an hour ago.(改被动) 记忆测量的几种方法 如何快速记忆一次电测 一个身体记忆物质实验?老鼠吃了另外一只老鼠后获得记忆?有这样一个实验吗? 1.Having little work to his time,he finds his holiday a little boring.A.take B.use C.occupy D 请问“I had completed work,having a holiday"这句话对不对? 谁知道WE WILL ROCK YOU 的中文歌词? tell`````from用法具体点 I stood there for three minutes(with saying anything)括号里的短语为什么改为without saying anything为什么不可以改为(with saying nothing) If you can't see me,I can see you这句话是什么意思 Onitsuka Tiger鞋的质量怎么样? ONITSUKA TIGER怎么样 上面一个竹字头下面加上"捷"右半部分念? 竹字头加姊的右半边 上面一个竹字头下面以个昨的右半部念什么啊··· 竹字头加者,念啥? we will rock you (中文意思是什么) 谁知道《we will rock you》的中文意思全歌词翻译 谁知道《we will rock you 》的中文全部哦?我英语哎!不好意思说!不好不好!世界第3!回主题 这首歌这么震撼人心 要是连.. 麦词是什么意思啊