来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:09:21
there isn't much water 还是there isn't any water 英语 this is the company in which i used to work.为什么用in work on 不是具有工作,从事的意思么 Alice rides her bicycle to school.问什么 希腊神话中十二大主神各自主管什么? 翻译‘预订一个带浴室的单人房间,四个带浴室的双人房间,入住时间为2009年1月22号到25号,就爱你关于6月1 哈尔滨哪里有宾馆或酒店的情侣房间带双人浴缸或浴池啊? They want to go out to see something different or do something e_____ 英语翻译Lily is ( )()a ( )( )room for her parengts.丽丽在给她父母找一个安静的双人房间. 老水牛的精神是任劳任怨,无私奉献的,请你也写一段赞扬老水牛的话.是赞扬哦,最好也有些例子,要更准确一些哦!好的话就谢谢咯!请注意,是一段话! what he said at the meeting ()quite all right.填sounded 还是listened为啥 Work Things Out What are we gonna doLet’s try to work things outFind out what this is all aboutWe can’t have any doubtWe’ve been driftin’ awayNot caring much to stayPuttin’ metters off as long as time would let us In many parts of India,people put leaves in front of their houses. pick 、people 、in、the、countryside、apples、to、farms、like、and、go、to连 nana is a kind of ___food and many people like it.(india) sam take cat fashion 哪个读音不同 希腊神话代表力量的神是谁 He seemed ____ at what you said at the meeting.surprising surprise surprised to surprise China is _____ than India.A more developed Bmore developing 晚安翻译成英语是什么 起居室在2楼浴室的右边怎么翻译 英语翻译1.The color “yellow” was slightly off but not a big deal2.The loop ends should be black 3.There needs to be a warning label 4.There is no elasticity/stretching on the sample,upon inspection there is no bungee type of material only fib there----a lot of wind in beijing.It's quite windy.A.is B .are 选哪个啊为什么呢还有一道 是Mary with her parents-----thereA.are taking photosB.is taking photosC.take photos为什么选哪个呢 there are quite a lot of _____(different) between the houses in parts of india.为什么parts前不加the light怎么分音节 fat cat,fat cat,catch a fat rat 换成音标怎么写 耐克air max light今天买了一双耐克,鞋名如题,788的,跑了一会步,感觉后掌气垫不明显,前掌更硬,不如zoom等那样的明显,请问是何原因?本人身高175体重120斤顺带问下,Max等类前掌有气垫没? any apple cat catch【选出读音与其他三个不同的一项】 英语与sunlight air wster的同类词有什么词 水原希子男友= =做为一个VIP我是死都不相信他们有奸情,但是我那傻朋友总是纠结这个问题,我没办法了,问:他俩最近绯闻怎么又起来了,还有阿有神马证据证明他俩没奸情. 4503—saying that something is wrong with the facilities in your reserved room.4072 想4503—saying that something is wrong with the facilities in your reserved room.4072 想问:1—saying that:怎么翻译2—wrong with the facilities:以前 He left the room w( )saying a word 括号内填什么w( )跪求现在就要