
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:44:05
女生英文名Amber和Mavis哪个好?22岁女生,比较漂亮,可爱.这两个名字哪个比较好?或者还有没有别的建议,不要太普遍的.Amber可以当名字么,好像都是中国人这么叫,英语国家很少吧。 当人在骑自行车遇到上坡时,怎样骑会更省力 请问英文名Amber怎么读啊? 骑自行车上坡时时,要想省力,前后的齿轮大小应做怎样的变动? 哪个英文名与Amber配? 数控编程的进G90 G00 G43 Z10 H01 H01中的偏置量是5执行上面这个程序段 刀具是移动到Z10 还是移动到Z15? 是否所有物质在温度升高时溶解能力会增强 有些物质的溶解能力随温度而增强,如 有些物质的容积能力随温度的升高而减弱如 有些物质的溶解能力随温度变而变化不大,如 love is when i look into your eyes and see your heart Love is beautiful when it's appreciated.how can I express my thought to you i miss u.hehe when i can see u ag.you are my beautiful girl.love From see you one eye, I shit love you. Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to From see you one eye, I shit love you. Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live. Your eyes close and open again and again, I die agai he is teaching in a middle school 和 he teaches in a middle school 有 什么区别 也就是说 现在进行时 和 一般现在是 在表示一段时间内状态的时候 有 什么区别 zhang long is a student ,he s____ in no.2 middle school 温度越低,物质的溶解能力越强吗 If u feel what I feel,trust you ,do what I do.翻译一下,请业内人士进,帮忙一下喽,想尽快知道意思.急···本人水平有限呐,请各位帮帮忙咯!O(∩_∩)O谢谢! love live got to feel it if you put your trust in me i know what my life.求歌名 I'm in no.3 middle school.变为否定句. Mr Green is in No.2 Middle School and Mr Smith is in No.2 Middle School,too.改为同义句Mr Green and Mr Smith are in ______ ______ school--No.2 Middle School. make a difference to这个词组后面到底是跟原型do还是跟doing最好说清楚点 How do you feel when you have to make a report in front of your classmates?Do you get______shy?A.true B.real C.really D.truth _____ did your uncle leave Beijing A.When B.How often C.How long D.what time标原因 when do you leave home?how do you get to shool?how far is it from your home to school?写电子邮件 世界上最大的热带雨林分布区( ).雨林区内还有世界上流量最大的河流( ).其流量大的原因是(). 读古诗,填动物名称不论平地与山尖,无限风光被占.( )白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波.( ) 读下列诗句,填动物名称.帮帮忙哦1.千里( )啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风.2.但使( )城飞将在,不教胡( )度阴山.3.( )噪林逾静,( )鸣山更幽.,3Q 巴西孕育了世界上流域面积最广、流量最大的河流 河,沿河两岸是世界上最浩瀚的热带雨林区,请分析其成因有哪些. he is a( ) middle school student he is a student () Grade 1()No.6 Middle School. Love is a habit,you used to have his life,he used to live in you.Have the time do not feel anything翻译 make as 后面加to do 还是 doing 新疆农业以畜牧业为主还是绿洲农业?要权威的!谢谢!